Easily wintering 140 replacement cattle with an additional 160 dairy cows also grazed for 6 weeks, this fertile and good contoured property located 11 kilometres west of Otorohanga has been the backbone of our vendors nearby organic dairy farm operation.

69.3512 hectares (171 Acres)
Consistently producing between 600 -700 large silage bales annually
Excellent fertiliser history and organic certified with impressive soil test results
Fenced into 25 paddocks with troughed water to all paddocks
Cattle yards
Reliable water source
Amazing building sites with spectacular views
Subdivision potential

Now surplus to requirements this outstanding support block is going to impress, not just for its contour but also for its natural beauty and proven track record of producing quality stock and supplementary feed. Priced below the Capital Value of $1,758,000 our motivated vendors are serious about selling this spring.

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